
The British School of Kosovo started today with the application of the distance learning platform.

18 March 2020

The British School of Kosovo started today with the application of the distance learning platform. This platform began with a tutoring session during which students received the required information about the process of distance learning. The tutorial was held with the participation of almost all lower and upper secondary students. Students had the opportunity to interact with their home-room teachers and with their peers at the same times simultaneously. Also, at the primary level, a virtual meeting was held with parents where the same information was shared. The distance learning platform was welcomed by students and parents who expressed gratitude to the school and highly appreciated the opportunity that the school is offering to the students to continue the learning process.

Ever since the Ministry of Education suspended teaching process, as a precautionary measure for the spread of the COVID-19 virus, The British School of Kosovo staff has been working diligently to bring to The British School of Kosovo students an effective distance learning platform. Through the distance learning process, BSK students will have the opportunity to receive and share knowledge, based on the syllabus planned for this school year, through interactive and inclusive virtual classrooms that take place in real time.

This distance learning platform will be offered to The British School of Kosovo students until the decision for the return to school facilities is given by the Ministry of Education


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The British School of Kosova filloi sot me aplikimin e platformës për mësim në distancë. Kjo platformë filloi me mbajtjen e një ore të kujdestarisë gjatë së cilës nxënësit morrën informacionet e duhura në lidhje me ecurinë e mësimit në distancë. Ora e kujdestarisë u mbajt me pjesëmarrjen e pothuaj të gjithë nxënësve të nivelit të mesëm të ulët dhe të mesëm të lartë. Nxënësit patën mundësinë që në mënyrë interaktive të komunikojnë me kujdestarët e tyre dhe me shokët e shoqët njëkohësisht. Gjithashtu, edhe në nivelin fillor u mbajt një takim virtual i mësuesve me prindërit e nxënësve të tyre ku u ndanë informacionet e njejta. Platforma e mësimit në distance u mirëprit nga nxënësit dhe prindërit të cilët u shprehën falenderues ndaj shkollës dhe vlerësuan lartë mundësinë që shkolla po u ofron nxënësve për të vazhduar procesin mësimor.Që nga pezullimi i mësimit nga MASHT, si masë parandaluse për përhapjen e virusit COVID-19, stafi i The British School of Kosova ka qenë duke punuar me përkushtim për të sjellë tek nxënësit e The British School of Kosova një platformë efektive për mësimin në distancë. Përmes procesit te mësimit në distancë, nxënësit e BSK do të kenë mundesinë të marrin dhe të shkëmbejnë njohuritë, bazur në planprogramin mësimor të planifikuar për këtë vit shkollor, me anë të klasave virtuale interaktive dhe gjithëpërfshirëse që ndodhin në kohë reale.Kjo platformë e mësimit në distance do t’u ofrohet nxënësve të The British School of Kosova deri në kthim në objektet shkollore.The British School of Kosovo started today with the application of the distance learning platform. This platform began with a tutoring session during which students received the required information about the process of distance learning. The tutorial was held with the participation of almost all lower and upper secondary students. Students had the opportunity to interact with their home-room teachers and with their peers at the same times simultaneously. Also, at the primary level, a virtual meeting was held with parents where the same information was shared. The distance learning platform was welcomed by students and parents who expressed gratitude to the school and highly appreciated the opportunity that the school is offering to the students to continue the learning process.Ever since the Ministry of Education suspended teaching process, as a precautionary measure for the spread of the COVID-19 virus, The British School of Kosovo staff has been working diligently to bring to The British School of Kosovo students an effective distance learning platform. Through the distance learning process, BSK students will have the opportunity to receive and share knowledge, based on the syllabus planned for this school year, through interactive and inclusive virtual classrooms that take place in real time.This distance learning platform will be offered to The British School of Kosovo students until the decision for the return to school facilities is given by the Ministry of Education#theBritishSchoolofKosova #QualityaEducation??????

Posted by The British School of Kosova on E mërkurë, 18 Mars 2020


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