
Combination of theory and practical knowledge during physics class

11 Shkurt 2020

Physics is about asking fundamental questions about us, everyday life events, the universe and trying to answer them by observing and experimenting. The unabated technological advances in the field of Physics has opened up to opportunities in newer dimensions. We want our students to be an element of innovation in the field of Physics which will shine in the revolutionary workplace of tomorrow.
While teaching the courses about Optics and Electromagnetism, our Physics professor Granitë Shkodra with our students have made the perfect combination of theory and practical knowledge, which is our main goal, by making these amazing works as below in the physics lab.
1. The hologram, which is a physical structure made by glass that uses light diffraction to make an image appear three-dimensional.
2. The car made with sensors that make it move only when detecting the black line.
3. The lifting machine is made with a remote that makes it move front and back, and a helping crane to lift light weights.

We encourage our students to be logical and creative thinkers in order to become great scientists and engineers in the future.

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